Certified Translations and Court Interpreters

Translations made by certified court interpreters are a service provided by Aion for all types of documents that you submit or make available to the competent state authorities or business entities for various purposes. Documents are translated and edited by experienced translators who know the legal lingo. Aion's court interpreters also have many years of interpreting to resolve various statutory issues before competent authorities.


What is a certified translation?

The work of court interpreters in Croatia is prescribed by the Regulation on Permanent Court Interpreters. Court interpreters must certify the translation with their seal and signature for the translation to be legally valid and to be accepted by the competent authorities or institutions in the country and abroad. In translations that are not certified by certified court interpreters, translators can sometimes add a more personal touch and tone to the text, to make it more appropriate for the target audience. A certified translation by a certified court interpreter must be an accurate and precise translation of the original text, which doesn't leave much room to change the style of the original document or for creative interventions.


Certified translation of certificates, academic records, diplomas

We know that to enrol in a foreign university, you need every document quickly and immediately. Our court interpreters have experience with the shortest translation deadlines, and they like to recall their own student days and help young ambitious people in their academic growth. These translations are usually into English, but we will smoothly translate your documents into many world languages. When needed, we will align with your specific terminology. And all within the deadline you need. We used to be young too, so we understand you, perfectly.


Court Interpreters for On-Site Interpreting

Rely on the experience of Aion’s court interpreters to resolve your statutory issues. They have experience in working with the authorities and are well acquainted with the various laws and regulations applicable to this area. Working in conformity with the Regulation on Permanent Court Interpreters, Aion’s court interpreters will translate your meeting and certify the translation with a signature in the official documentation of the competent authority. If you need an interpreter for court proceedings, one of our specialties are legal translations.


Court Interpreters for Weddings

Devote your personal moments to family, friends, and loved ones, and leave the translation to professionals, who love their job and are experienced enough to make a seamless contribution to your magical ‘yes’, or to resolving your records issues in state offices. In addition, they will provide you with a certified translation of various documents.



The following is an overview of only some documents frequently translated by court interpreters. But, save your time and contact us for more details. You are welcome at any time.

…  excerpt  from  court  register  |  certificates  |  diploma  |  ID  documents  (passport,  ID  card,  driver's  license)  |  academic  record  |  birth  certificate  |  marriage  certificate  |  certificate  |  bank  documents  |  documents  for  the  establishment  of  a  company  |  death  certificate  |  medical/health  care  records  |  certificate  of  good  conduct  |  will  |  applications  |  legal  documentation  |  certificate  of  residence  |  agreement,  contract  |  court  documents  |  court  decisions  |  documents  of  competent  authorities  …

What the process of ordering and receiving a certified translation looks like:

  1. Send us the document that needs to be translated, in a hard copy or scanned, or the date and time when interpretation is required. The project manager determines your specific needs and arranges the terms. If necessary, they will prepare and send an offer.
  2. Upon offer acceptance, we will assign you a court interpreter that best suits your needs.
  3. The translation certified by a court interpreter will be delivered in the agreed manner and by the required deadline.

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Croatia osiguranje
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Hotel International
Klasik TV
Muzej Mimara
Hotel Panorama
Poliklinika Medikol
Pravosudna akademija
TBS tvornica betonskih stupova
Teknoxgroup CAT
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