Editing and Proofreading

We know that you surely spent a lot of time on that scientific paper, presentation, or doctoral dissertation, and you certainly got the topic ‘down’, so to speak.  But an additional expert language check by Aion's native speakers, also experts in different languages and industries, will elevate your work to the heights of local and international communications. Indulge in the expertise of Aion's team of linguists, philologists, and native speakers who possess the necessary combination of knowledge and experience.


Students and final/graduate theses

We, too, used to draft our final papers in impossible conditions, mostly while working, so we're well acquainted with your situation. You want your final/graduate paper to be edited and proofread by an expert, and you want it fast. Our experienced linguists will proofread your final/diploma thesis, and when needed, they will offer expert advice. If necessary, we will include experts from certain fields. Because we understand you, perfectly.



Below is an overview of only some of the frequently edited and proofread texts that Aion's experts have worked on. But, save some time and contact us directly for more details. You are welcome at any time.

…  scientific paper  |  graduate theses  |  international presentation  |  ads  |  PR texts  |  copywriting  |  brochure  |  online retail  |  business documents  |  price list  |  action plan  |  EU project  |  press release  |  graduate thesis  |  doctoral thesis  |  law  |  environment  |  economy  |  banking  |  veterinary medicine  |  medicine and pharmacy  |  politics  |  international relations  |  fisheries and aquaculture  |  automotive  |  construction  |  architecture  |  history  |  art history  |  EU laws  |  social care  |  democracy  |  human rights  |  police  |  IT  |  forestry and lumber industry  |  agriculture  |  cybercrime  |  international law  |  security  |  business  |  advertising texts  |  finance  |  retail  |  persons with disabilities  |  culture  |  customs  |  sports  |  funds  |  civil society  |  energy  |  telecommunications  |  tourism  |  wood industry  |  pension system  |  food and food safety  |  equality  |  education  |  export/import  |  cosmetics  |  rule of law  |  cohesion policy  |  motorcycling  |  railways  |  mechanical engineering  |  science  |  retail  |  wholesale  |  public policy  |  health care  |  transparency  |  anti-corruption  |  insurance  |  local government  |  borders and Schengen  |  media  |  religion  |  EU eco - label  |  migration  |  chemicals  |  REACH/CLP  |  investment banking  |  literature  |  natural protected areas  |  climate change  |  substances of abuse  |  legislation  |  European Court of Justice  |  inspections  …

Order Editing and Proofreading in 3 easy steps

  1. Send us your text or document for editing and/or proofreading. The project manager determines your specific needs and agrees on the terms of collaboration. If necessary, they will prepare and send an offer.

  2. Upon offer acceptance, we will assign you the professionals that best suit your needs.

  3. Subtitles will be delivered as agreed and within the desired deadine. The edited and/or proofread text will be delivered in the agreed format and within the desired deadline.

We appreciate our clients' trust

Baltic Workboats
Croatia osiguranje
Dva arhitekta
Hotel International
Klasik TV
Muzej Mimara
Hotel Panorama
Poliklinika Medikol
Pravosudna akademija
TBS tvornica betonskih stupova
Teknoxgroup CAT
Transparency international

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