Online Conferences

Put yourself in the hands of Aion’s experienced professionals if you want to hold an international conference or meeting from your office or your city – online. Our experts will help you choose the optimal platform, check your internet connections, and advise you on the equipment needed to achieve the best possible sound and picture quality. When needed, they will advise you on interpreting options, help you with presentations, and send invitations. In addition to experienced technical staff, you can also rely on the premium quality of Aion interpreters . Because your participants deserve the best.

If you want to organise a hybrid conference, where some participants are in the conference room and others participate online, Aion technicians will help you choose the optimal equipment for your event, depending on the number of participants on site and online. Aion's team also includes experienced designers who will offer you different types of decorations for physical space, scenic design, and also help in the design and production of presentations and other visual materials.


Digital Stage Manager

Step boldly out into the world of virtual conferences with the help of experienced Aion Digital Stage Managers (DSM), who will help you choose the most convenient platform for the online conference, send invitations, and above all, will offer seamless help to the moderator in the technical management of the platform during the conference.

DSM tasks include also:

  • ahead of event: assisting in selection of online platform given the number of participants, event duration and interpreting; sending invitation links, testing participant internet connection and equipment in smaller sessions, etc.
  • during the event: assisting the moderator; presentation management; monitoring schedules; assisting participants, etc.
  • post-event: creating audience stats and reports.

In their work, DSMs are often assisted by Aion's IT experts, because someone has to take care of data traffic, the stability of internet communications, but sometimes also help participants with showing the presentation and sharing it.
It is often necessary for the DSM to speak several languages in order to be able to communicate with international conference participants. DSM and IT experts also monitor chat, where participants can ask questions, ask for help, etc. Sometimes it seems that they are chameleons, because they monitor the entry of new participants into the conference,  raised hands, and also turn off the microphones that someone accidentally turned on.


Why choose Aion?

Aion’s DSMs abound with the technical knowledge and skills acquired through working for various EU institutions, international organisations and companies, governments and ministries. In addition, many of them are multilingual, which will help maintain a good level of international communication and contribute to improving the quality of both sound and picture. They will also communicate with your participants in Croatian, English, German, Macedonian, French, Italian, and many other languages. And your only task is to provide them with the parameters of the conference: when it is being held, which language(s) will be used, and how many participants are planned. And to relax and wait for the beginning of the event.

How to order an online conference

  1. Send LINK: CONTACT a description of your online conference needs (when, how many participants, which languages).
  2. The project manager determines your specific needs and agrees on the terms of cooperation. If necessary, they will prepare and send an offer.
  3. Upon offer acceptance, we will assign you a team of professionals that best suits your needs.

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