Aion & Shipbuilding: CRS Has New Inland Waterways Web

CRS has created and published its new inland waterways web site. In addition to basic information, it containes a comprehensive overview of IWW vessel classification and certification, ADN certification, rules and regulations. A special novelty is vessel search. Besides a number of information, the web site is available in several languages: Croatian, English, German, Serbian and Italian. Congratulations!
The site is available here.
HRB je izradio i objavio nove internetske stranice za plovila na unutarnjim vodama. Osim osnovnih podataka, sadrže i opsežan pregled klasifikacije i certifikacije plovila unutarnje plovdibe, ADN certifikacije, pravila i propise. Posebna novost je tražilica brodova. Stranice su dostupne i s prijevodom na nekoliko jezika: engleski, njemački, srpski i talijanski. Čestitamo!
Visit the new site and multilanguage translation of shipbuilding terminology.